Johnson Bros.

PEBBLEVALE LTD is offering for sale almost the entire contents of EAGLE POTTERY AND ALEXANDRA POTTERY in Stoke on Trent.
The following equipment is being offered for sale by PEBBLEVALE LTD as sole selling agents on behalf of WEDGWOOD LTD the parent company. Both factories were producing high quality fine earthenware, the production of which is to be moved to other factories within the WEDGWOOD Group of companies.
The ALEXANDRA factory will cease production in October 2003 and the EAGLE factory will follow shortly afterwards.
PEBBLEVALE LTD will be offering for sale items on an individual basis or complete packages of production machinery.
A complete list of the contents will be posted towards the end of September 2003 along with a CDROM and brochure which will be available through the PEBBLEVALE office.
Viewing will be available only through the Pebblevale office.